Take Action Now. AB 1955 gut and amend bill to undercut parents’ right to know.


AB 1955


Take Action Now to oppose AB 1955.

OPPOSE AB-1955: Academic Futures and Educators for Today’s Youth Act.

At a press conference this week, California Assemblyman Christopher Ward and the LGBQT+ Caucus announced it has gutted and amended AB 1955l after it passed through the Assembly that will make it illegal for schools to lawfully implement policies to notify parents when their child is wanting to transition/ change gender identity and name at school.

Erin Friday, Esq. stated in her substack:

“…judges in California, the school cases have been favorable towards parental rights and teachers who do not wish to be a part of socially transitioning of students behind the parents’ backs. The courtroom is, ultimately, where it will be decided if parents are still able to control that care, custody and upbringing of their children. Because of the court successes, the LGBTQ caucus of California legislature just announced a bill that will try to circumvent these cases.”

AB 1955 is scheduled to be heard on Senate Floor June 13th, 2024.

How to take action.

  1.  Fill out Action campaign https://p2a.co/J3MHw0d

  2. Draft a simple Opposition Letter to submit to the Senate Education Committee via their Position Letter Portal by 12 p.m. PST TODAY.

  3. Email your letter to the Committee: SEDN.committee@senate.ca.gov

  4. Call

  5. Call your Senator to urge him / her to vote “NO” on AB1955, and encourage their colleagues in the committee to vote “NO” as well. We need to prep them for the floor vote if it passes committee and their feedback can influence the committee members’ in their votes.

  6. Mark your calendar for the May 29, 9:00 a.m. hearing on this bill:

    1. 1021 O Street, Room 2100
      Sacramento, CA  95814

  7. Any questions for the Senate Judiciary can be directed here:

    1. Phone: 916-651-4105

    2. Email: sedn.committee@senate.ca.gov

    RESOURCES (linked above but here, again, for ease of reference):

    AB 1955 Language: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB1955

    Position Letter Portal: https://calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/

    Senate Education Committee Members: https://sedn.senate.ca.gov

    Find Your Senator: https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov